Tag Archives: media

How Hillary lost the media game to Trump

9 Oct

Hillary’s game with Trump using the media has been a long and disastrous one. Here’s how:

She has failed to factor in that Trump’s entire life is so closely wrapped up with media. He inherited millions (which must have been an attraction for media back then) which he converted to billions (the perfect transition of scale for the drama to continue today). And tied to that is Trump’s own media presence. The reality of this is that media isn’t unfamiliar territory to Trump at all. He knows just what twists and turns come with it, what route highlights take, what keeps media buzz alive and just how it ought to be surfed, much like a wave is surfed.

Hillary’s desperate efforts have continually catapulted Trump to the top of media buzz. Enough for Trump to occupy and preoccupy the minds of people, and that without much effort from his own end. Tied to that was Hillary’s unfortunate sick spell that came as a perfect aid to Trump. By then Trump had the media with enough cud to chew, creeping along past Hillary with his poll ratings using people’s curiosity about him for his personality and policies, his rallies at a much higher pace than hers.

And every carefully-timed release of Hillary’s shock value stories of Trump has been steadily losing its effect. Quite like a dose of drug loses its proportionate effect over time and therefore needs greater and greater amounts to produce the same effect.

This strategy has become too well worn that it neither affects the people anymore nor produces for her the desired effect of inciting hate against her opponent.

To be honest, this one apologetic response from Trump has put to rest all potential accusations. In his apology Trump has openly admitted that he has never made claims to be morally good at any time, well aware how he has lived his life. Also that he has been deeply humbled by the expectation and trust people have in him (from his meetings with them during the rally travels) to take the country forward – forward in a course that none other has demonstrated ability for thus far. He has also said he sincerely feels sorry for his misdoings and promises to turn over a new leaf his current preoccupations being the wellbeing of his nation.

Such a simple apology has been well received by the people seen from how it has been widely circulated among them. The nature of their acceptance of it has clearly showed on the social networks. This is not any media report on the peoples’ response but the actual response from people itself! (Check out his fb or twitter accounts to believe it.)

For Hillary however, this is only compounded by the fact that her team (and predictably so) refuses to move along from their accusations. That’s probably because the very raking up of it never quite lay in any detail connected to either Trump (himself) or his fellow companion who shared that indecent conversation or the womanhood involved or even the tenor of his comments as much as in the intent to tarnish just the opponent’s image (whoever it was, this was in coming, this time Trump happening to be the target). This surely must have been Hillary’s modus operandi all along, for it is widely admitted that she is a fighter, and I suspect meaning that she will descend to any extent, to any cheap strategy to keep her ambitions afloat. For it was always a known fact that Trump was a womanizer. And knowing fully well who he was, the Clintons chose to befriend him and enjoy his company, much like the possibly good number of her other donors’ lives or ideologies could be even right now – donor moralities that Clinton never cared about, except that it delivered her the desired little limelight when she was with them or the cash that came into her coffers from their end. Even now the whole sex talk around Trump is likely to subside immediately should Hillary get any lead from it, which must hint that the attack on disqualifying her opponent was her sole aim and not any of the actual issues on hand born of the expose, which appears a buried matter for her already and that quite unfortunately for her.

Added to this, media as a phenomenon seems to have eclipsed Hillary’s estimation. She has underestimated that media is one of the chief means to titillate the masses. That it is media which plays to the deepest deviances of people, and therefore (quite contrary to her expectations) circulating Trump’s stories might at the most leave people more amused than appalled. That’s because those are the very type of story lines people expect to enjoy at the push of the remote button possibly even right after Hillary’s expose of Trump on some news channel! Those are what today’s entertainment industry thrives on. Hillary has failed to think deep about her strategy. Most frightfully, in private most people are also quite what Mr. Trump was found speaking in the released clips. It might have been better had Clinton avoided this whole strategy altogether.

It is also high-time Clinton found a stuffy accusation on Trump in policy related matters. Already she has lost precious time looking in gutters for arrows, it’s time she switched to a better place.

It makes a lot of sense also to note another most disastrous plan Hillary hatched in buying media networks against Trump. The unanimous ostracizing of Mr. Trump was thought to favour Hillary, but it appears to have backfired with just the opposite of all she ever wanted: the complete unification of people to Trump right under his own thumb, without having to sort through media as a neutral agent, at his social network. Another disastrous blunder that she will pay for with nothing short of her own bid to the White House.

All in all Trump has become to the people one of their own with flaws, warts and all. He of course is on with a new beginning, for it is even Scripture that “through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for,” put differently, people are willing to forgive when someone seeks to make amends for his ways by pursuing love and goodness where he once pursued hate and evil, and kindness and decency where he once pursued disregard and indecency. But there’s no redemption for Mr. Trump if he intends to continue in his past direction, but an open and unabashed apology hints at a new beginning. The struggle up will be hard but he must persevere, and what better proves this than the words that follow the very ones quoted above from Prov. 6:6, ‘through the fear of the LORD a man avoids evil.’

But poor Hillary lingers with her unforgiven load and failed plots!

Trump’s legitimate fear of rigging

7 Oct

Let’s see who has to worry more about possible rigging, Libs or Trump.

But first some basics. What is election? It is the test of who the people want. The result in the secret ballot (meant to be facilitated in privacy to prevent people from being targeted/attacked for voting for their preferred candidate) must be consistent with the broad support of the people. The point of the secret vote is not to hide the majority mandate. The election conducted through secret ballot cannot be inconsistent with the reality outside.

Who controls the elections? At the end of the day human beings, who themselves have their own party leanings, who control power/authority, who oversee/decide on election procedures, who feel strongly about some matters. So it needs to be seen typically who are the ones currently in control of these procedures. Is it currently under Lib hands? Is the process open enough to assure consistency with what goes on behind? Have people with Republican leanings been allowed to register? Are they being hindered/threatened?

Are there red-flags already? Well I think so:

Trump’s curious media absence:

The lack of reporting on Trump’s connect with the people through virtually all established media channels (agencies that exercise great power – even heads of State use them for their influence) is probably the most noticeable. There has been no coverage of Trump’s current hysteric popularity with the masses, whatever it springs from, clear policy identity or some manic obsession. But strangely it is completely missing. No details are provided of where Trump had his rallies, how many attended, how his following online has been growing exponentially, what his positions and policies are, what his charges against Hillary are, what his disagreements/grievances are and others (the only exception was when they were forced to feature him in the debate – although everything from the questions to the moderator/moderation to the conked microphone of Trump reeked of falsehood).

Denying all Challenge:

If an aberration of such a report on Trump is spotted ever, it is presented as some ‘abnormality’ which ought to be only unjustified or insensible or driven by a phobia. In other words all people who are not inclined to think liberal (i.e. who disagree about the supposed current ‘safe’ status of the country, or who disagree that this is a good time to accept more immigrants – who have been frequently/recently associated with terrorist attacks in host states across the entire West-, who disagree about beautiful babies being killed/aborted and others) are psychos, phobic wrecks, deplorables. I.e. if Republicans win this election, some hostile sub-humans have taken over. Something hardly tenable to say the least, although the converse of the same should be most defensible, in fact supremely appropriate!

Concoction of evidence:

And truly only God knows from where all the supposedly ‘scientific’ polls from the Libs have showed up defying all principles of science such as consistency, empirical verification etc. Only out of thin air, quite how possibly Hillary might also win on election day – practically unexplained! Now just prior to the first debate Cnn itself announced that Trump had taken a lead over Hillary (and that oh so reluctantly!! Now this was a lead that steadily built up over weeks not instantly post some show event as a debate). Come debate day Trump pulled off neatly in every area he was predicted to fail: policy, knowledge, defence, clarity. While Hillary brought not one ounce of novelty to her case. But strangely the claimed post-poll results reflected some massive turn-around for Hillary despite her continued poor rally attendences (curiously inconsistent to what the media projected), the stark non-existence of an online Hillary, and most shockingly the stupefying reverse figures that almost all other poll results showed!

Deceitful debate critique:

The poll result hoax is one, but the debate review is another altogether, some of which I just touched on in the earlier point. Instantly, without proper/sufficient/weighty critique they (media) endorsed Hillary’s position and trashed Trump’s position. Whereas there wasn’t one worthy arrow from the Lib camp to shoot a hole in Trump’s policy or person. On the contrary Trump repeatedly demolished Hillary’s claims, defences and accusations. Only one thing fits this picture: that the debate verdict was given even before it played out – the brutal violence to the simple point of debate/defence, which is to prove one’s ability.

Unfair Hillary support:

It is also to be noted that the media’s pitch for Hillary is getting shriller and shriller by the day. It was pure chance that Hillary collapsed at ground zero, in keeping with Trump’s observation, but the media rescued her. It was pure revelation (not accusation) that Hillary’s 30K emails flew out of plain sight, followed by her ingenious appeal to innocence which though most unbelievable both the media and the system agreed to live with. One only wonders if a Hillary victory is also what they have already determined to live with!

Misrepresentation/Exaggeration of rigging fears:

Already the accusation that Trump’s fear of rigging is baseless has begun the rounds. Further what was stated of it was most interesting: that Trump supporters are living in denial, that they have refused to accept a potential loss for their hero, and a Hillary win means to them a rigged election. Now it is a profound pity that one has to sort through mazes of lies to only express one’s fear, discomfort, caution. A fear in the Trump camp doesn’t mean they are in denial (Trump enjoys the visibly larger following – except for cnn’s spooky pollsters, I wonder if they were spirits, ok let’s say the polling sample was all Lib 😀 ), again it doesn’t mean they have refused to accept a Hillary victory (they are pretty sure of Trump’s win, although should the opposite happen I suspect they will fully cooperate with their hero’s categorical statement that he will honour the election verdict and more than that render his support to his arch rival Hillary – assuming the election itself was fair), neither does it mean a Hillary win equals a rigged election (for if her victory is consistent with people’s support on the ground and if the election is conducted freely and fairly why would anyone call it rigged?). All these are lies touted by the desperate Lib camp. Here’s what it just means: don’t cheat in the election process, don’t hinder truth from being heard/voiced. They are saying effectively only this: If our votes say something behind the curtain, let them speak in the announcement as well.

But overall nothing about the Lib camp looks right. Period. Trump’s fear is very genuine, tenable and must be attended to. But here’s something I’ll dish out as a general observation about life: this is a fallen world. Stroke ‘em right and they’ll be nice. Rub ‘em wrong and they’ll decimate you. I’d like to call it the universal ‘wife’ syndrome. The typical husband (I know in theory there are exceptions out there) is nicey nicey as long as his wife is subject to him. The moment he sees her achieving her full potential, possibly breaking his limits, challenging him, he’s unnerved. If she persists, she’s dead. If she gives in, as in loses out for his victory, he’s a happy man. A fundamental correction to all of this lies in a change of heart. If we don’t see in another’s success our own success and joy, we will fight, kill, destroy. If we don’t feel saddened when another’s true fulfilment is lacking, we’re dying as a people. I don’t care who wins, but I do care that Truth (not Trump) wins. But I do admit I’m convinced of Trump and I fear Hillary.

Trump and the media

3 Oct

The media has recognizably turned anti-Trump. Now obviously they think they are justified, but does it work that way? Here’s why I don’t think so:

Processing news for the people

News agents are meant to give us the news and allow us to process it for ourselves, not process it for us the way they think we must assimilate it. They almost never tell you just ‘what’ the man said, instead they are quick to tell what it should mean. Coz left to yourself you will obviously take the meaning in the lighter and intended manner.

Lying about facts

In their crescendo against Trump, media has made tall claims on the polls post the first debate. If the few polls by the pro-Hillary agents give a sudden massive lead to Hillary (which itself is not realistic, given the trend that Trump has been consistently gaining ground against her) and their figures are grossly INCONSISTENT with almost all other polls, then there’s a red flag! Highly unlikely. Neither is this claim consistent with the support Trump enjoys on social media or his rally attendences, quite a contrast to where Hillary’s lagging.

Using cheap tactics

Trump has been a media person. He has mastered the art of handling it lightly. So when he humours on certain matters, when he takes a jibe, that’s what it must be taken as: a jibe, not a policy statement. Unfortunately, rather quite amusingly, the media is currently finding itself on the wrong side of the matter! C’mon, if you can’t even take a joke how are you going to engage people?

Refusing responsibility

The media as such is a neutral body. The topics they handle are not small petty narrow matters. What they report on, what they inform us on are of national significance. The content crosses borders of people, parties or policies. So it must take an effort to be intentionally neutral. Their work must be done with a higher order of responsibility. Coz if they don’t, they will be losing much valued credibility with people. We all know of the fellow who cried ‘wolf’ to amuse himself, only to one day have no one help when it really showed up!

Favouring the other

It is one to be annoyed with Trump and cast doubts on him, but it’s something totally different to outrightly favour the other. It appears that as the voting day approaches, Hillary would have to do virtually nothing to campaign for herself and that the media will take care of it all (even if she collapses another time, they will ‘stand up’ for her). She must make her own statements, have her own rallies, make her own defences, build her own strengths. If the media becomes her today, it will also sit in the President’s office tomorrow.

Outright violation of Trump’s space

Now national election is a neutral matter. If the media pitches itself as altogether a subset of Hillary’s team, then that’s a different matter, but if it positions itself as being neutral between the two candidates, then it must also allow room for Trump in the coverage. If he doesn’t feature at all, I mean the man, not what the media makes of the man, then how is it a neutral agent, but only Hillary herself in the name of the media? The media needn’t narrate what Trump said in Hillary’s terms but let the man speak for himself.